

Highest purpose of life is to expand and merge the consciousness with infinite and become one.

Soul Awareness

Fine Tuning the life energies to purify the Body, Mind and Soul. One pointed awareness can help achieve the realization of Supreme Self.

Sync with Nature

Body is nature and nature is also a body, made up of Five elements. Balance should be there in both the bodies, Individual and Nature. Balance is only achieved by Syncing with the nature all the time.

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Devotion to Guru is the key to Spiritual Practice

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“Wake! All your earthly thirsts are about to be quenched forever….
My son, arise. Receive your initiation into the kingdom of god through Kriya Yog.”

|| Shreeguru Maha Avatar Babaji ||

“I am ever with those who practise Kriya. I will guide you to the Cosmic Home
throught your ever enlarging spiritual percetions”

|| Yogiraj Maharaj Lahiri Mahashay ||

“Human conduct is ever unreliable until man is anchored in the Divine.
Everything in the future will improve if you are making a spiritual efforts now.”

|| Swami Shree Yukteshwar ||

“Be as Simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see
how uncomplicated and happy your life can become”

|| Gurudev Shree Shree Paramhansa Yoganand ||